Day before yesterday my uncle(i donno him) came to my house. my dad n mom r there to invite him so I went to another room :P bcoz i usually dont lik to meet relatives n to answer their stupid same questions :D
as usually like all relatives he also enquired abt me , my dad called me to meet him (i hate it :D) .I went to their room n gave a fake smile to my uncle :D
After watching me he gave a puzzled look n came out with a sentence lik this "hmmm i know this girl ..I saw her on that day when she jumped from the train" :D
my mouth was opened widely wid shocked expression ..everyone laughed there :x
i hate it when someone reminds your embrassing moments... :p
anyways ppl remember others embrassing moments like their cherish moments ;)
my adventurous stupid train jump done on 2002 now 2009 still he remembered tht day :D
It seems like even if we forget our own moments but people dont ;)