Is it rare to see ? i donno.. when i told my experience to anyone,they r getting surprised lik as it would happen rarely .....
Here goes my experience with it :p..
In my childhood days we usually go to gardens for flowers in dasara occation for batukamma function.we used them for decorating batukamma..
One day Our gang nearly 10 members went to gardens n to near fields for flowers ..we r having a bet before going itself ..."who bring more flowers, they r gr8 among all "
So I am searching for more flowers n went deeply into the garden.
I entered into one type of circle having very narrow entrance which was filled with one type of cactus plants...Disappointed after watching the circle as it contains no flowers..
Here I made a mistake :P after watching it If I returned quickly may be nothing would be happened to me .....but i didnt do it..still I am watching on the back of those plants :D
after a couple of seconds i was disturbed with a sound made with dry leaves on my back..
At first I ignored it as it was vry less noise later it was loud enough to drag attention ....
I turned back as it was vry disturbing ....I was shocked after watching the thing infront of mine......A pure WHITE SNAKE............It was just a 5 feet away from me ...........
One thing I noticed here when u see something unusual in front of u ,mind will not respond quickly......... same thing happened to me...I was in complete shock .....
Complete white thing in dry leaves background looking very attractive n my looks were stopped after watching it's black eyes which is in a shape of cucumber's seed ...i saw them for a second...When I came to know that it was a snake, my mind now thinking fastly for a way to come out of it...
I realized it was difficult to come out as snake was on the narrow entrance..It would harm at any time if i chose the entrance to come out...backside all plants are very high to jump soo I quickly chose one small plant which was a bit near to entrance n jumped :D (if u asked me to do jump on it now I cant :p )
After Jumping I continuously shouting like "snake snake snake" n I ran like anything upto nearly 1 km..............
After I saw so many people on road side then I opened my eyes to see things clearly :p ....then I turned back n noticed our total gang is behind me :D.....
this is very scary experience of mine ......
I would get laugh when I remember it bcoz snake experience is mine So I took long run but y our gang participated in it (they may stop with small run but they didnt :P ) :lol: