One of my friends told to me abt some mysterious thing happend to his frnd recently..
Generally students in other countries have to do part time jobs for their living expenses..its common there.Here i am telling abt my frnd's "frnd" experience..he is doing his masters in US n doing part time job as vaccuming(cleaning buildings wid vaccume cleaner ).Nothing wrong in it bcoz all students r doing part time jobs lik this(waiter,librarian etc) only..things r going cool so far.. when he shifted to another building he got some probs which he donno before.. one day he is doing job silently on top floor on night on new building..no one is there in the top floor ..he is doing vaccuming sincerely in pindrop silence.Suddenly his head called him from downstairs " come once" so he came down n went wid him to canteen.During drinking coffee his head asked him "dont u have fear?? , U r alonely working on haunted building top floor..n head added some more before his ans lik this (u would surely listen some sounds if u stay some more time there lik someone is calling behind u etc)..
This time he remembering the experiences he faced while vaccuming tht building lik lights flickering etc......
really strange ri8.....................................
well sometimes we should have no choice other than to believe such type of things..
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