Thursday, October 21, 2010


Limitation always walks with fear. I really felt it. We don’t go outside and create our limitation up to the gate as outside is surrounded by darkness. I was to feel it in my childhood. Some one has really defined FEAR in very right way.
What is Fear? FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real.
It is necessary to touch the fear sometimes, but not in this way! I am scared to think abt things going to happen in my future..
I couldnt take decission n cant even think abt it! I wonder always what will happen if I take some wrong decission or select some wrong person to be with!
It is really weird to select someone/Unknown for your life time frnd  ..

We face hundreds of problems in our day-to-day lives (most of are generated by our tired imagination only). Don’t we face them? Problem has no body. You cannot measure it. Nothing is big or small when it is locked in our mind.
There are two ways to approach problems,. You can sit down and say, ‘Oh my god, I can’t face this, it will destroy me.’ Or You can stand up and look beyond it to see how it can make you grow ..
now my approach seems to be FIRST. God!

No wonder most people want to escape into fantasy and make the movies such big business. But the fact remains we cannot forever put our heads in the sand. Some time or the other we will have to acknowledge the TRUTH!
Cant carry this big fat load to  take Decission...Y dont someone of my dreams walk infront of me :D
y reality Sucks!