When i was in intermediate first year .. My room was 407 B (i didnt remember exactly ) n containing strength 5 mem n tht was followed by 407 A. I heard some stories from other roomamates this room was previously closed bcoz one student committed suicide in this room lik tht..from this year only it was opened lik scary stuff..i was shocked first n later taked it lightly ..n bsy with the classes n studyhrs which was eating my whole day....
Daily someone will stop our roomies n asking who r walking wid anklets on ni8s..we r hearing it daily on midni8s form your room..i was shocked to listen tht kind of stuff bcoz i was a soundsleeper n i didnt wakeup in middle so far..
Suddenly one of my roommate also told tht she listened tht anklets sound in our room..
One day 407 A members told tht aftrnn one of your beds made more sound like as it was moving when there was no one in your room seems lik your bed onlyy..
i was scared this time..n told to my dad entire story ..he told "dont worry devils r not there ..if u still having fear keep some god photo wid u" ..
after listening to my dad, i felt ok ..but i sleep in the middle of our roomies beds but not in my bed ..
one day i was in sleep suddenly one sound was disturbing in middle ..after few seconds i came to know tht it was anklets sound ..I was clearlyyyyy listening tht stuff..it started from 407A n slowly it came near to our door n stopped there..
I was just shoooooooooocked n vry scared.... my heart beat was listened by me..i got full sweat all over my body ..n i was vryyyy hesitate to move a bit tht time..
i closed my eyes stronglyyy n couldnt moved a little...............i donno when i slept ...
Vry horrible ni8 in my whole life time.....................................
After that i didnt listened tht scary sound from tht onwards..after a few days we shifted to vijayanthi bhavan..whats tht sound i donno i asked sooo manyy but no one answered me ...one of my classmates told tht "some insect is there it sounds like anklets sound"
She may be true or not but i will get sweat when i remembered tht horrible ni8 still...........................